24 / 12 / 2006
El nadal '06 es converteix en un molt energètic inici d'aquest any amb la "Segona Festa de Nadal Disco a la Drop Zone".
Al voltant de 30 nens i nenes entre 2 mesos i 13 anys i un munt de paracaigudistes, gaudeixen de la festa i els jocs. Els més petits foren entretinguts amb un espectacle de titelles preparat per "Bel", continuant amb pintures facials i comtant contes. Els més grans (mai vistos) jugant al "Passa la pilota" (gràcies a la construcció d'una bola carregada de regals de la Debs McCarthy) i d'altres jocs musicals d'entreteniment, tot sumat a un clima un tant caòtic com càlid.
The cracking children’s DJ (the renowned Regan Tetlow) was mixing some good sounds to play the games along to and was helped out by Anna Howerski who gave us a few sing-a-along songs including the good old OKE COKIE, to get the atmosphere going before the grand arrival of “PAPA NOEL”, who of course took time off his busy pre-Christmas schedule to drop in for a flying visit loaded down with goodies for the little darlings. Then it was on to the break dancing competition and music into the night, that saw the babies off to bed and the dads get up to dance!
It was lovely to see the kids from many different nationalities, speaking several languages having such a nice time together as well as their parents; the staff and customers from the drop zone, whose children are growing up in this unique and special environment, there was a real sense of community in the air and the feel good factor was high.
With the collaboration and combined organisation of the drop zone and the Skybar owners and some of the mums and friends we all had them to thank for a “rock n rolling” Christmas, disco party-time…Also thanks to the Penelope for doing the food, to Matt (foggie) for taking the pics and to the entire bar staff at the Skybar for putting up with the mess.
It was agreed by all that it was great fun and the perfect way to kick start Christmas boogie which begins on the 23rd of Dec, and that it should definitely become a regular event in the DZ calendar. So see ya next year Santa.