30 / 09 / 2008

"Are you all trying to go as fast as possible in freefall?" This was the question students and visitors kept asking during the challenge..AIRSPEED is the name of the skydiving team who put this event together from took some explaining!!

From Arizona Airspeed, Kirk Verner, Graig Gerard and Eliana Rodríguez spent the long weekend here at Empuriabrava from the 25th to the 28th of September. The challenge being to put together the most technically difficult 60 way. Held every September for the last three years an invited group of skydivers put all their skills to the test with three goups to begin with doing 20 ways.
This became two groups of 30 ways with the last day reserved for the 60 way challenge it self.

The pre designed 60 way skydive was comleted correctly on the last jump of the event and a beautiful formation it was too! For myself this was my most challenging skydives I have done with high concentration levels needed at all times. What a throughly enjoyable experience it was though and I cant wait for next year!

Regan Tetlow

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