01 / 08 / 2015

New Vertical World Record 164 way!
Yesterday, at the first jump of the morning, they got the record. They performed a 164 way flying head down.
Congratulations to all the participants, organization and specially to the representatives of Skydive Empuriabrava David Nimmo, Raphaël Coudray and, for his incredible images, to Gustavo Cabana.

Pictures of the record by Gustavo Cabana:

30 / 07 / 2015
Stay in the know with real-time updates after every record jump attempt!
23 / 07 / 2015
Skydive Empuriabrava will be represented by three skydivers in the 2015 Head Down World Record organized by Skydive Chicago. The event will take place from the 28 to the 31 of July during the SD Chicago Summerfest 2015.
The organization has travelled around the world visiting the most important skydiving centres to select the best athletes and be able to carry out this challenge. One of these try out camps was held in Skydive Empuriabrava last May.
The aim of this record attempt is to achieve a formation of 170 skydivers flying in the vertical position of head down gripped with each other. They want to overcome the current record of 138 skydivers flying head down that was achieved, also at Skydive Chicago, in August 2012.
Two of the representatives of Skydive Empuriabrava, David Nimmo and Raphaël Coudray will be in the formation, and the third, Gustavo Cabana, will be one of the official cameraman of the event, his images will be used as a proof of the achievement of the record.